martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Te invito a mi concierto

On the 12th March 2013 the classes of 2nd Eso A, B and C made a concert for the children of the 1st course of Santo Negro primary school.

The first performance was made by the class of 2nd A; the second one was made by the classes B-C, the Spanish class; the last one was made by the classes B-C too, but we were the multilingual students.

The programme then, was:
· 2nd A:
  • -“Piratas del Caribe”
  • -“The Candle’s Light”
  • -“Danserye”
· 2nd B-C (Spanish):
  • -“Carmina Burana”
  • -“Cantiga de Alfonso X el Sabio”
  • -“Les Choristes”
· 2nd B-C (Multilingual):
  • -“Oda a la Alegría”
  • -“The Lord of Rings”
  • -“New World’s Symphony”

I think it was a good performance. Our audience was very quiet and expectant at first, then they started moving and speaking but it wasn’t important to me, I think it is normal when you’re 6-7 years old.

Between each group performance, the music teachers entertained the children telling them tales and playing with them.

When it was my group’s turn, we went to the stage, all of us were nervous. We were wearing white shirts and jeans. We prepared everything as quickly as possible: the scores on the music stands, the percussion instruments in their places…When everything was ready all of us were-suppose to be- looking at the conductor. She gave us the signal with a movement of the conductor’s stick and we started playing ours instruments. All the pieces were beautiful, especially “The Lord of Rings”. When we finished, the children applauded happily.

We all did a great job!! All the pieces sounded very beautiful. We had a trumpet and a french horn, I really think it made the concert more gorgeous. I think the children liked to see so many different instruments.

It was fun and a good experience.

Laura Peinado Obrador 2ºESO B

The concert was very good. It was our first concert and we played very well.

We were behind the curtain during Sagrario’s presentation, the master of ceremonies, she didn’t have a microphone but she spoke loudly and she didn’t have any problem. She was being heard. She presented our pieces, pirates of the Caribbean, candles light and Danserye. Then we played the songs very well, following the programme, with some soloists like Mónica, with the trumpet, and me with the xylophone. I didn’t play the recorder because I only played percussion instruments such as the Xylophone, the drum set, and the Derbuka.

We were directed by the conductor, Sagrario, she didn’t have her conductor’s stick but it didn’t matter.

We played very well and we entertained the little children and on the last song when I played the drums set they were jumping and clapping all the time. 

Juan Luis Arenas González 2ºA

1 comentarios:

Paül Limorti dijo...

Enhorabona pel concert... i per les cròniques, excel·lents!

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